Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Jonathan Cloggs Tycon Capital On Vancouver's Multifamily Housing Market

Jonathan Clogg, aka Johnny Clog, of JC Tycon Developments sees Vancouver's multifamily housing investment opportunities growing at a steady rate. As the Vancouver residential real estate market experiences rising interest rates, high prices, and banks tightening lending requirements, the British Columbia government are rolling out their 'market cooling measures'. Savvy real estate investors understand that residential real estate doesn't just refer to single-family homes, and while demand for rental housing rises, Vancouver houses, condos, and townhome sales are down. If needed interested individuals can click here or visit our official website in order to know about Tycon Capital Jonathon Clogg.


According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, the city's multfamily housing continues to look like a solid investment. With 2.9-percent growth in 2018, it is predicted to increase another 2.3 percent in 2019. This type of growth is attracting investors to Vancouver's multifamily housing market.

Jones Lang LaSalle, international real estate investment firm, does not see a decline in the city's demand for multifamily assets coming any time soon. With Vancouver's multifamily vacancy rates sitting at less than one percent, multifamily property investment volume has averaged approximately $1.5 billion yearly since 2015.

Vancouver's Housing Strategy

Vancouver wants to see multifamily real estate developments increasing to meet current and future demand and has strategized a 10-year housing plan. According to the City's 2018 Annual Housing Progress Report, there is a shortfall of rental inventory to meet current demand; in 2016, there were approximately 29,000 rentals households with children with only 18,000 two- and three-bedroom constructed rental units in the marketplace.

Approaches to Multifamily Real Estate Investment in Vancouver

There are three main approaches to multifamily real estate investment in Vancouver: core, value-add and opportunistic. Core investments are marked by low compressed cap rates coupled with a high cost per unit. Value-add strategies aim to increase cash flow through property improvements and generating new streams of revenue. Opportunistic strategies offer investors ground floor development projects. A combination of value-add and opportunistic approaches are said to generate impressive yields of 15-to-30 percent for passive real estate investors.

JC Tycon Developments
Tycon Capital can help investors achieve these kinds of impressive double-digit returns as they are an experienced development company that has made their mark in Vancouver's multifamily real estate market. Specializing in multifamily heritage restorations in the city's prestigious Westside neighborhood, the company's limited partnerships are ideal for real estate investors needing a partner to handle development projects from start to finish.

Through Jonathan Clogg Tycon Capital Vancouver and, projects will be sourced, secured, and packaged with all necessary permit and plans applications. Once the land is officially acquired with permit viability, lucrative investment opportunities are offered to limited partners. To find out more about Tycon Capital and their multifamily property development plans in Vancouver, contact them today.

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